Privacy Policy
Dineshtrendingwear is the licensed owner of the website dineshtrendingwear.com .The company deals in trending wear for mens and women and respects the privacy of the individuals accessing the site. This Privacy Policy provides succinct details about how your data is collected and used by dineshtrendingwear on the Site. As a visitor to the Site, you are advised to please read the Privacy Policy carefully. By accessing the services provided by the Site you agree to the collection and use of your data by dineshtrendingwear in the manner provided in this Privacy Policy
What information is, or maybe, collected from you?
As part of the registration process on the Site, dineshtrendingwear may collect the following personally identifiable information about you: Name including first and last name, email address, mobile phone number and contact details, Postal code, Demographic profile (like your age, gender, occupation, education, address etc.) and information about the pages on the site you visit/access, the links you click on the site, the number of times you access the page and any such browsing information.
Disclaimer: The Company can modify this Policy unilaterally at any time without notice. Modification may be necessary, among other reasons, to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations or accommodate organizational changes within the Company. Please keep visiting this page regularly to take notice of any changes we make. If you do not agree with any part of this Policy, please stop using our Platform immediately.
The website – www.dineshtrendingwear.com / ("Website"), the dineshtrendingwear.com mobile application ("dineshtrendingwear.com App") and the mobile site -www.dineshtrendingwear.com / ("Msite") (together referred to as the "Platform") are made available by “dineshtrendingwear.com” or “we”). dineshtrendingwear.com has created this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy” or “Policy”) to demonstrate our firm commitment to protecting the information you submit while using our Platform. The manner in which this information is collected, retained, shared, stored, and processed by us is addressed in this Policy.
How do we collect the Information?
dineshtrendingwear will collect personally identifiable information about you only as part of a voluntary  registration process, on-line survey or any combination thereof. The Site may contain links to other Web sites. dineshtrendingwear is not responsible for the privacy practices of such Web sites which it does not own, manage or control. The Site and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on someone's past visits to the Site.
With whom your information will be shared?
dineshtrendingwear will not use your financial information for any purpose other than to complete a transaction with you. Company does not rent, sell or share your personal information and will not disclose any of your personally identifiable information to third parties. In cases where it has your permission to provide products or services, you've requested and such information is necessary to provide these products or services with the information may be shared with Company business associates and partners. Company  may, however, share consumer information on an aggregate with its partners or third parties where it deems necessary. In addition, Company may use this information for promotional offers, to help investigate, prevent or take action regarding unlawful and illegal activities, suspected fraud, potential threat to the safety or security of any person, violations of the Site’s terms of use or to defend against legal claims; special circumstances such as compliance with subpoenas, court orders, requests/order from legal authorities or law enforcement agencies requiring such disclosure.
How do we protect your personal information?
The Company limits access to personal information to authorized employees, associates, partners and officers. Additionally, our third-party service providers are held to stringent standards of privacy and confidentiality. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect the information against loss, misuse, damage or modification and unauthorized access or disclosure. Some of the other central features of our information security program are:
? The use of specialized technology such as firewalls.
? Testing of the security and operability of products and services by the IT department before they are introduced to the internet, as well as ongoing scanning for publicly known vulnerabilities in the technology.
? Implementing controls to identify, authenticate and authorize access to various systems or sites.
? Restricting use of external data devices on Company’s systems.
? Providing Company’s personnel with relevant training and continually updating our security practices in light of new risks and developments in technology.
How can you correct inaccuracies in the information?
To correct or update any information you have provided, the Site allows you to do it online. In the event of loss of access details, you can send an email to: customercare@dineshtrendingwear.com Policy updates
Company reserves the right to change or update this policy at any time. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon posting to the Site.